Anir's News Service

Random News and trivia about me. Just as a random shoutbox. I/O- Impressions/Opinion (On relevant/irrelevant issues) UP-Update -General life update. LC-Life chronicle. Probably random trivia about my life from the past. I do hope I'm not lazy in updating it.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

[UP] Hindu Pardy!

Today, Arun, (A 6"something fella, but he's pretty much a softie) called me up today, and wanted to fool around, as he'd just finished his exam. Naturally, I agreed, and we ended up going to Adyar Anand Bhavan, a terrific, although pricey Sweetmeat shop. We were soon joined by Sundar and Shetty, 2 of Aruns friends, though just acquaintances for me. Usual banter, punctuated by chaat eating, proceeded. We soon parted ways, and then Arun came over to my place, and we fooled around a bit. The actual plan was for me to go over to Aruns house, where we'd watch a movie (Animated, of co[UP] Arun(One of my oldest pals, he's this big,urse). As we proposed, God prompty disposed, and that plan was scrapped. We decied to go to Fruit Shop, a hang out of sorts. So we went to fruit shop, me in my cruiser, and him in his Red Kinetic Nova. Man, he dwarfs his vehicle. We ordered our ususl Lime Mint Cooler, and chatted away. Then the door opened, and in came Sudarshan(Tall, lanky),Ajay(Silent Spectator),Guru(Gentlemanly fella),Siddarth(Good Humoured dude),Arun(another one, In singapore now),Ramakrishnan(babyfaced, the butt of our jokes),Narendran(Mr Nice Guy),Ravishankar(IItian, 'nuff said),Vishnu(Quick witted, thin) and Kapil(Short, fat, exceedingly brilliant)! the entire Hindu School gang! I went nuts, we all did. The next hour or so passed very soon, with us exchanging stories, cell numbers, and a whole lot more. man, it rocked! I laughed till I cried. As traditionally dictated, we pulled Ramki's leg, poor guy didnt know what hit him. We talked about Hindu School, our common bond. Lots on nostalgia, our love/hate relationship with VP, LOTS of VP incidents, man... what a fantastic evening. I got good wishes for my ride, and speaking of which, I need to get packing. I'll see you all later. Prolly will spend a week in Mysore. In the bottom pic, from Left to right, Sudarshan,Arun,Ramki,naren,Vishnu,Siddarth,Ravi,Guru,Kapil,Ajay, and Me.


  • At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great day that was man !!

  • At 5:57 AM, Blogger Anir said…

    Hell Yea, I'll post up the pics

  • At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  • At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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