Anir's News Service

Random News and trivia about me. Just as a random shoutbox. I/O- Impressions/Opinion (On relevant/irrelevant issues) UP-Update -General life update. LC-Life chronicle. Probably random trivia about my life from the past. I do hope I'm not lazy in updating it.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

[I/O] Pleasure!

[I/O] For those of you who dont know me, I'm a die hard Biker, and the proud owner of a Royal Enfield Thunderbird. Pretty damned good bike. It just came in today after servicing, and looks so sexy that Its an effort to tear myself away from it. I got this from my club, the Madras Bulls. We'r bascically a gang of bikers, and thats it really. The following is a conversation between an "Esteem Driving Gentleman" and a fellow Biker, Enjoy!

Then what is the pleasure?he asked quizzically.

I only smiled as he walked to his Esteem VX, got in and slowly drove off.

I'll tell you exactly what the pleasure is, Mr Esteem-Driving Gentleman.

The pleasure is when you finish your day's ride, and reach in one piece.
You're the smallest vehicle on the road, and you've survived.

The pleasure is when you take off your wristwatch, and see a band of
untanned skin.

The pleasure is when your motorcycle and you move as one single united
form. Whatever shape the road takes, whichever end of the compass it leads

The pleasure is when you use your hands, arms, thighs, knees and feet to

The pleasure is when you take off your riding jacket for a break, and feel
the breeze dry your sweat.

The pleasure is when you sing to yourself on an empty road. You're the
world's best rock star.

The pleasure is when your rear wheel slides, and you bring it back, when
the front wheel lifts, and you take your time bringing it back.

The pleasure is when you cut through air, at 50 kph or 100.

The pleasure is when you reach a place you've never been before, and
someone you've never seen before asks you for a ride. And comes back

The pleasure is when you wave to village kids, and they wave back.

The pleasure is when you almost, almost fall. But don't.

The pleasure is when you fight the wind, and win.

The pleasure is when you get up that narrow path for the view you’ll never

The pleasure is when you view the world at an angle.

The pleasure is when you eat bugs at 90 kph.

The pleasure is when you look at a dust-streaked face in the mirror after a
500 km ride, and don't want to wash up.

The pleasure is when your pillion moves with you.

The pleasure is when your throttle hand has calluses.

The pleasure is when you stop to help push a stranded car to the side of
the road.

The pleasure is when you stop at the smallest of towns, and somebody asks
you technical specifications, or "Acha gaadi hai, per Kitna deta hai?"

The pleasure is when your book of roadmaps gets dog-eared, rain-splashed,

The pleasure is when you give a stranger a lift.

The pleasure is when you leave four-wheeler traffic standing in a jam.

The pleasure is when you are'nt lulled by an air-conditioner.

The pleasure is when you are free. Open. Independent. Liberated.

The pleasure is when you are a biker. But you'll never know how that feels,
will you, Mr Esteem-Driving Gentleman?


Those of you who are bikers, would have enjoyed this post more. anyway, thats it for today, I'll catch ya fellas later.

Monday, May 29, 2006

[UP} Appreciation Galore

[UP] Just got off the phone with Siddarth. He's my pal from College. Nice fella, addicted to Maiden. He called to appreciate the previous post, wow, man , I'm feeling good about that. On to Sid, the dude kept pestering me about the girl in the story, but sorry man, you gotta find out yourself.

Man, I'm feelin real nice now. Amazing what a simple call can do to your mental status.I really dont understand why people cant be encouraging. man does it feel good! This one's for you Sid, Cheers!

Gotta go to sleep now... getting late. Good Nite, mateys!

BTW, if you can check out orkut. Pretty damned good stuff there. Holler me in orkut, I aint hard to find!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

[LC]Love! Part 2

[LC]Before you read this, I recommend reading the previous post.

Part 2, here goes.

Well, after I asked her, she... well.. she... arr forget it, I'll get to the point. She said NO. Naturally, I got all emo and all. But hey, thinking back on it. I'm glad she said no. She doesent Deserve me.
I was feeling pretty low though, so I decided to put my feelings into a story. So here it is. It may not me Shakespheare, but hey, it made me feel better. And of course, I changed her name.Har!


The butterflies in my stomach feel like vultures, my hand is sweaty over a folded piece of paper. Outwardly, I'm all smiles, being the optimistic, happy me.But it is in these times that the loftiest nobleman becomes a hypocrite

I climbed up to her house, and my heart fell like a rock when I saw her mother coming with her.

"Hey Dude!"
"Hi" Shit, my nervousness must be showing
Good Evening Aunty
" Musnt forget manners
"Hello there Anir"
"Why dont you and Sheetal carry on? I'll come with Deepak" YES!
"No Aunty, its OK, I'll be glad to have you with us" LIAR
No, you youngsters should go togather, go on, I'll catch up with you on the beach" YAY!
"C'mon Anir, lets go" God, love her voice

She seems to be in a good mood, will that improve my chances? or will she be too surprised ans say no?

She talks of irrelevant matters, but I respond willingly, passionately, as always.

My legs want me to run away, but overcoming that feeling, I thrust the paper in her hand. Acting polite and cool. But my BP is already in the danger levels.

She says nothing, and my words become a tiny bit louder in my anxiety.

"I always get speechless when guys propose to me"
"Well, that's better than slapping me"
"Dont be silly"

Whatever happened to my usually calm, rational mind? all I see is tatters.

My rational mind(which I'm proud of) says" Theres no way she'll say no. You are an outstanding student, you've been all over the state, giving lectures on obscure subjects. you have been appreciated by people of renown, you have been honoured beyond anyone in your college, how can anyone in their right mind possibly reject you?"

My irrational mind says "Girls dont care about that! Look at her face! She hates your pot belly, your round, bald, chubby head, you STINK!, why did you even consider this?"

Well Anir..."
The moment of truth.
"You know... I like and respect you a lot" Going "I've gotten proposals from many great guys" Going " But I'm not ready for a relationship yet" Gone

Nothing clicks in my mind, but then , a thousand thoughts click at the same time.

From" What? I'm not good enough for you?" " You think this is a game?" to " Its ok, I expected that" Many more unpleasant thoughts race across my 140 IQ Brain.

"But we can still be friends you know..."
Dont women understand that it doesent work that way?
"Its alright man, dont worry about it"
"I'm sorry, I really am"
"Hey, Chill out, Its OK, it really is" NOT

Bolting up my feelings, I climb on my trusty cruiser, & ride to where I know my best friend will be. He knows all about it of course.His long hair, freckled face, and ever-present look of cheerful concern is there .

"So, how did it go?"

You'll be surprised at how the most mundane wods of a best friend squeeze your tears out. Sobbing my heart out, I said in a strangled voice..

"Is there something wrong with me?"
"Ahh, dont worry da, she's nuts to refuse you"
"Havent I been a decent fellow throughout my life?"
"You'll get someone better"
"Whats the point of being a gentleman, and Mr Nice guy, if no one values it?"
"She was too dumb for you anyway"
All I do is nod glumly. After pouring my heart to him, I feel a lot better.

He wisely avoids my questions.I know He's right, but it brings little comfort. I'm at a loss for words to appreciate what he's meant to me. He chose to support me, as a true friend would. In all these years of friendship, I've thpught to myself as the leader,and him as a sidekick.But now I realised, standing on the beach, with tears flowing out, that we are a team. Maybe he feels the same too.


Well, thats it. This really happened to me, and I've removed quite a bit of dialogue, she goes on to say why she said no, apparently she's afraid and insecure about realtionships. so its not about me after all! Hope you people enjoyed that. please comment,. as this is my first story.Until Next time.... Like my best friend would say, "Chao"

Friday, May 26, 2006

[LC]Love! Part 1

[LC] After lots of thought, I've decided to post up a love letter I wrote .Like all guys, i was afraid of rejection, so I decided a love letter would increase my chances. Here you go, Enjoy


I write these words with a trembling hand, as it is most unusual for me to think with my heart. Please forgive my clumsiness, it is merely a sign of my inexperience. I write this letter because I'm shy, and in my nervousness I may make a fool of myself.I'm scared of losing not only your love, but your friendship as well.You may have guesssed where this is leading to, and you are right. You have taken my heart from me.

You may recall our conversation on sunday evening on the terrace.I felt something very special that day, but I chose to hide it, as I could not guess your thoughts. At this moment, words can only go so far in expressing my feelings for you.Only now do I understand those love songs, whose lyrics I always thought were rubbish.

I'm not going to persuade or manipulate you, Relations based on force, trickery and manipulation dont last.If you say yes, let is be from your heart. If you say no, let it be from your heart anyway.

I understand your fears of a relationship, and seeing your past, you are perfectly entitled to have your suspicions and fears.All I ask is a chance to prove myself. I think you have known me well enough to see that I deserve a chance.

If someone has already had a hold on your heart, do as your heart tells you.

I may be bald, fat,unathletic and unattractive, but I'm fun. I can gaurantee you'll never get bored in my company.Have you ever felt bored, dissappointed or demotivated with me around?

Guruji said" I love you, and I dont care if you love me or not"

I say the same.

I Belong to you,


Some random trivia about that,

It was written during work. Yikes!

No, I'm not gonna say whos the girl. Find out yrself.

Three drafts were made before settling on this one.

On a finishing note, did she say yes? I'll let you think on that until next time.

[LC] Moonwalkin Baby!

[About a week and a half ago] Woohoo! I finally learnt the Moonwalk! It really is easier than it looks. I recommend using socks on a smooth floor to get you started. Meh, if I, a 80kg+ fella can do it, so can you. Heres a site to get you started. Moonwalk NOW. Be warned that the site kinda overcomplicates the move.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

System 101

Got up late today, and instead of studying, finished ROOTS. Awesome book, highly recommended. The book was passed down to me by my father, who read it when he was in his 20s. More about the book later. Gotta go study now, I'll update this in the evening.

Also, I've devised a new system to help ya readers, and I'll put this before every post.

I/O- Impressions/Opinion (On relevant/irrelevant issues)
UP-Update -General life update.
LC-Life chronicle. Probably random trivia about my life.

Number 1

Well, I've finally decided to join the blogging express. Lets see how this goes. Blog Created:21:57, with my father urging me to sleep early...